Update des Forums

Neue Datenschutzerklärung gemäß EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO). Weitergehende Infos findet ihr hier.
  • Update des Forums

    Ich habe in unserem Forum, unter Einsatz meines Lebens, heute Morgen ein Sicherheitsupdate durchgeführt. Auf das alle bösen Jungs es jetzt noch schwerer haben werden.

    Medium Risk: A SQL vulnerability when editing smilies in ACP – reported by ChALkeR
    Medium Risk: A SQL vulnerability when deleting posts with Akismet in ACP – reported by ChALkeR
    Medium Risk: A XSS vulnerability in video MyCode – reported by ChALkeR
    Low Risk: A XSS vulnerability in smilie popup – reported by Spenzert
    Bugs fixed:
    MyCode parser adds new lines since 1.6.11
    Some plugins throwing errors due to usage of unsupported language file calls since 1.6.11
    Uploading attachments may fail when safe mode is enabled
    Promotion task option “weeks” doesn’t work properly
    Issue with queries not being executed in the correct order on logout
    #2196 Thread Prefix altered via Tamper Data
    #2251 Reputation doesn’t carry over when merging users
    #2267 See other’s posts in a “see own post forum” through archive
    #2275 Mod Log error when posting new thread
    Adding support for 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode Encoding in MySQLWhen MySQL 5.5.3 or above is used a new option to convert the tables to 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode Encoding is available in the “UTF-8 Conversation” page in the Admin Control Panel. This allows to store unicode characters with 4 bytes. If you don’t know what we are talking about you probably don’t need it. PgSQL and SQLite can store such characters by default.

    mfg Mahoo